2020년 9월 27일 일요일

[왕좌의 게임 1-1] (10) “We’ve been expecting you, Lord Tyrion.”

[Scene changes to JAIME in the Winterfell settlement. We see Tyrion inside a whorehouse, swilling liquor and laughing as a woman pops into view after servicing him.]

TYRION: Mmh. It is true what they say about the Northern girls.

ROS: Did you hear the king’s in Winterfell?

TYRION: I did hear something about that.

ROS: And the queen. And her twin brother. They say that he is the most handsome man in the Seven Kingdoms.

TYRION: And the other brother?

ROS: The queen has two brothers?

TYRION: There’s the pretty one. And there’s the clever one.

ROS: I hear they call him the Imp.

TYRION: I hear he hates that nickname.

ROS: Oh? I hear he’s more than earned it. I hear he’s a drunken little lecher into all manner of perversions.

TYRION: Clever girl.

ROS: We’ve been expecting you, Lord Tyrion.

TYRION: Have you?

TYRION: The gods gave me one blessing.

[She climbs on TYRION. JAIME walks in without knocking.]

JAIME: Don’t get up.

TYRION: Should I explain to you the meaning of a closed door in a whorehouse, brother?

JAIME: You’ve much to teach me, no doubt. But our sister craves your attention.

TYRION: She has odd cravings, our sister.

JAIME: A family trait. Now, the Starks are feasting us at sundown. Don’t leave me alone with these people.

TYRION: I’m sorry, I’ve begun the feast a bit early. And this is the first of many courses.

JAIME: I thought you might say that. But since we’re short on time, (he opens the door; a bevy of whores enter and descend on TYRION) Come on, girls. See you at sundown.

TYRION: Close the door!


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[왕좌의 게임 2-1] (13)