2020년 9월 30일 수요일

[왕좌의 게임 1-4] (10) “King Robert's bastard son.”

Riding on horseback through King’s Landing, Ned and Jory arrive at the armorer.


Jory Cassel: He said he'd be glad to talk to the Hand himself. He's a knight, you see.

Eddard Stark: A knight. They strut around like roosters down here. Even the ones who've never seen an arrow coming their way.

Jory Cassel: You shouldn't be out here, my Lord. There's no telling who has eyes where.

Eddard Stark: Let them look.

Tobho Mott: The former Hand did call on me, my Lord, several times. I regret to say he did not honor me with his patronage.

Eddard Stark: What did Lord Arryn want?

Tobho Mott: He always came to see the boy.

Eddard Stark: I'd like to see him as well.

Tobho Mott: As you wish, my Lord. Gendry! Here he is. Strong for his age. He works hard. Show the Hand the helmet you made, lad.

Eddard Stark: This is fine work.

Gendry: It's not for sale.

Tobho Mott: Boy, this is the King's Hand! If his lordship wants the helmet...

Gendry: I made it for me.

Tobho Mott: Forgive him, my Lord.

Eddard Stark: There's nothing to forgive. When Lord Arryn came to visit you, what would you talk about?

Gendry: He just asked me questions is all, my Lord.

Eddard Stark: What kind of questions?

Gendry: About my work at first, if I was being treated well, if I liked it here. But then he started asking me about my mother.

Eddard Stark: Your mother?

Gendry: Who she was, what she looked like.

Eddard Stark: What did you tell him?

Gendry: She died when I was little. She had yellow hair. She'd sing to me sometimes.

Eddard Stark: Look at me. Get back to work, lad. If the day ever comes when that boy'd rather wield a sword than forge one, you send him to me.

Jory Cassel: Find anything?

Eddard Stark: King Robert's bastard son.


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[왕좌의 게임 2-1] (13)