2020년 9월 30일 수요일

[왕좌의 게임 1-4] (16) “You can't change him. You can't help him.”

In Eddard’s quarters, Cersei enters.

Jory Cassel: My Lord, Her Grace the Queen.

Eddard Stark: Your Grace.

Cersei Baratheon: You're missing your tournament.

Eddard Stark: Putting my name on it doesn't make it mine.

Cersei Baratheon: I thought we might put what happened on the Kingsroad behind us the ugliness with the wolves. And forcing you to kill the beast was extreme. Though sometimes we go to extremes where our children are concerned. How is Sansa?

Eddard Stark: She likes it here.

Cersei Baratheon: The only Stark who does. Favors her mother, not much of the north in her.

Eddard Stark: What are you doing here?

Cersei Baratheon: I might ask the same of you. What is it you hope to accomplish?

Eddard Stark: The King called on me to serve him and the realm, and that's what I'll do until he tells me otherwise.

Cersei Baratheon: You can't change him. You can't help him. He'll do what he wants, which is all he's ever done. You'll try your best to pick up the pieces.

Eddard Stark: If that's my job, then so be it.

Cersei Baratheon: You're just a soldier, aren't you? You take your orders and you carry on. I suppose it makes sense. Your older brother was trained to lead and you were trained to follow.

Eddard Stark: I was also trained to kill my enemies, Your Grace.

Cersei Baratheon: As was I.


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[왕좌의 게임 2-1] (13)